Common practice of carrying a baby on the caregivers back. The baby is positioned on the carrier with their back resting against the caregiver's back and their legs either side-by-side or slightly straddling the caregiver's waist. The head might rest on the caregiver's shoulder or be positioned slightly above.
The caregiver stands with a slight arch in their lower back to maintain good posture and balance while carrying the weight of the baby. Depending on the situation, they might bend down slightly to pick up something or adjust the baby's position.
Wrapping Technique Specific wrapping techniques and fabric names can vary by region and culture and may alter the posture of the caregiver.
Age of Caregiver: The age of the caregiver also influences posture. Younger caregivers might stand straighter with a minimal arch in their lower back, especially when carrying a smaller, lighter baby. They might be more comfortable carrying the baby higher on their back, with the baby's head resting closer to their shoulder.
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